Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Trick or Treat?  In italiano, you would say scherzo o dolce? Direct translation: Joke or Sweet?

I prefer the sweets!  Particularly these spider web brownies.

I asked my local Roman friends what they were going to be for Halloween this year and if they were going trick or treating.  I of course laughed when one person explained (and physically mimed) what would happen if you did that here.  Here's an accurate representation of that event:

Knock, knock, knock.
(person comes to the door)
Trick or Treat???!!!!!
A verbal tongue-lashing ensues, leaving you raw with freshly cut mental wounds.
SLAM!  The door basically hits you in the nose.
You walk away empty handed, ears bleeding, nose probably broken, shoulders slumped over, sadness in each and every step you take.

And you look ridiculous being a 30 year old man wearing a pink bunny costume by the way.

Though I am not the pink bunny this year, I did become something other than VASGO for an evening this weekend.  It was great to see some spooky treats from some very creative friends who rejoice in baking (as all friends should).  I hope you all have as much halloween fun this evening as I did this weekend!

Make sure to eat lots of candies and cakes.  Make friends with Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, the Hamburglar, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Black Swan, a number of vampires and a few Roman Gods just as I did.  Here's what we also enjoyed while getting to know each other.

Rice Krispie Treats with  Halloween Sprinkles

Witches Fingers!!!  They are especially cool because you can actually hear the soul of a witch scream when you rip off her finger nail.

Severed Fingers!!!  And as you can tell, they are freshly severed considering their ooey, gooey bloody stumps.  

And most importantly, have a happy and safe Halloween!
ALSO don't forget to brush your teeth before bed!  -  a message brought to you by your partners at just VASGO DENTAL DIVISION, LLC.

1 comment:

RealtorRandy said...

I like the new Hamburglar!