Thursday, November 10, 2011

SPAIN WEEK: A Tour of Zarautz, Spain

Even in early November when the weather is overcast and a little chilly at around 20 degrees Celsius, what I presume to be a booming summer beach and resort city is surprisingly active for it being mid-fall.

A morning walk around the city reveals the elementary students, lining up, following their teachers through the streets, stopping and starting frequently as if the whole group were a massive centipede.  The parents were at work already, their retail stores open to the public.  The grandparents strolled the streets just as I did.

Window shopping was a must in this city.  I almost bought a bottle of Spanish Tempranillo wine for only 2.00 Euro.  I almost bought cookies from a store after I saw this through their window.  It looked so good, I had to walk in for the photo.

And forgive me for the window glare,  but my camera isn't the best, nor am I a skilled photographer.  I fell in the love with this horno, bakery, after seeing the moving characters in their front window.  This guy chopped wood for the horno's oven.

This guy pushed bread dough down, kneading a batch to perfection I'm sure.

Between the restaurants, bakeries, clothing stores and surf stores, this city had charm and beauty all over the place.

Lovely Landscaping.

Beautiful views.

Even at night, it was beautiful.

Love the boardwalk art.

Lots of great surfing action.

If you are ever in the Basque area of Spain, take a side trip for a night to this beautiful destination city called Zarautz.  You won't regret it.

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