Monday, September 12, 2011

Paradise found in Truffles

Today's episode is brought to you by SCIANCA s.r.l. Salsiccia Al Tartufo.

Salsiccia al Tartufo.  Sausage with Truffle.  Salted meat with awesomeness.  There seem to be a million different ways to describe this gem of an appetizer but I think the most recent describes it enough.  Want a closer look at the goods?  Here you go.

Go ahead and take a second.  Click on the picture and let it come full size on your screen the way it's meant to be viewed.  Inside the casings, see those tiny black specks?  It shouldn't be from your dirty computer screen.  Well, maybe that actually is from your computer screen and this episode should really be brought to you by Windex or some other screen cleaner.

This episode is brought to you by just VASGO brand computer screen cleaner.  Now go clean your screen.

When you're done, take a better look at the picture of Salsiccia.  Those tiny black specks in there are actually black truffle shavings.  That, combined with firmly packed minced pork meat and what is most likely its back fat, all mixed together with wonderful spices including plenty of salt and possibly vinegar makes this salami a taste bud extravaganza!

Now, like the Where's Waldo books, Where's Salsiccia Al Tartufo?

Forget blogging.  True money is in salami identifying books.  
First person to spot the correct salami wins this dog that was near the store.  Yes, its head is astoundingly large for its body.
Ok, that was honestly WAY too easy to spot.  Unfortunately the dog is not for me to give away.  I couldn't convince the 9 year old girl wearing the red sandals to trade him for truffle sausage.

Anyway, I think you should get the truffle sausage experience too.  So please excuse me for the uninvited molestation of body space and comfort zones, but guess what?  You just became me.  Welcome to the 2nd person perspective.

By just VASGO

Grabbing a knife, you feel power and purpose in your hands.  Microscopic beads of energy travel from one region of your brain to another as if it were data being downloaded from a website. The thoughts are overflowing your mind.  So many ideas, if only you can keep track of every single one.  Some of them  border dark.  So many things can be done with this weapon.  There it is!  You're brain finally comes to a decision.  You officially decide to cut the sausage at a slight obtuse angle.

You bring your nose near the now greasy hands and inhale a long, drawn out breath.  The air rushes through your nostrils, depositing flavors on your tongue which tell you that what you are about to eat has truffles and has a noticeable acidic brightness.  Your mouth waters instantly, craving more than just the teasing smell.

The first taste is salty and oily.  You hold the piece on your tongue to a get a little more sense of the flavor and your brain registers something familiar and yet mysterious. Ah yes, truffle just made its entrance.  You then realize an acidic quality has been complementing the entire time.  Hidden, yet in plain sight.

You chew on the morsel.  The tender, highly seasoned pork and fat easily give way to the grinding in your mouth, releasing even more of the balanced vinegar-like sensation.  The bits disintegrate on the tongue, causing you to salivate even more.  You lick your lips.  Truffle oil, seasonings.  Your mind is consumed with how many layers you have noticed in just one small slice.  Then as you look down at a cutting board full of sausage, you wonder if the remaining slices will be the same.

A smile comes to your face.  Better get a glass of red wine out.  You just realized your journey is 8 times longer.

1 comment:

Dabu99sc said...

Nick, I have to say these truffles sound amazing! You are certainly having quite the "foodie" experience and, I'm not going to lie, I'm very jealous!